Video Tutorial. Initial Task, Research, Mindmap and Storyboard (Pre-Production). Week 9.

Screenshots below depict Group work myself and Sasha produced during Week 9 on how to produce  step by step and storyboard which will be applied to the Video Tutorial I will produce over the next few weeks.


The sheet below showcase the further tasks produced during Week 9 with the class adding comments on the best and worst tutorials they could find and broken it down into bullet for future reference with the individual Video Tutorials;


The research produced by myself for the Video Tutorial Project can be seen below;

Two Good Tutorials I researched=

The qualities that make ‘How to make an Electric Guitar from Cardboard’ stand out as a good quality video is the lack of vocal description and heavy reliance on visual footage showcasing the construction of said Guitar which stands out from the sea of tutorials of various subject matters that rely too much on the vocals of the content creator with low quality still images rather than an edited film with carefully chosen music which works just as well if not more so due to the lack of distractions and overload of information.

Show Maker, 2017. How to Make an Electric Guitar from Cardboard. Available at: <;
[Accessed 26 March 2019].
‘The EASY Background Remover Hidden in Photoshop!’ works as a good quality video in the sense of not being the stereotypical ‘click bait’ video despite its title as referred earlier in this paragraph with all the elements of a good tutorial present in clear vocal presentation of explaining the step by steps as well as provide the right editing transitions which is easy to the eye when viewing the tutorial

PiXimperfect, 2018. The EASY Background Remover Hidden in Photoshop!. Available at: <;
[Accessed 26 March 2019].
Two Bad Tutorials I researched=

The video tutorial ‘Why Some Tutorials Are Annoying’ although is a well-made spoof it is however a perfect example of a stereotypical ‘clickbait’ video which I found in the proper photoshop tutorials suggestion list in YouTube which I feel is very misleading when initially viewed with no real techniques taught within the video itself despite it title suggesting otherwise.

There is also too much going on regarding locations of the footage and the narratives that played throughout which I will not replicate for my tutorial if I decide to further expand upon the theme of Spoof and Humour.

Sugar Zaza, 2016. Why Some Tutorials Are Annoying. Available at:
[Accessed 26 March 2019].

like ‘Why Some Tutorials Are Annoying’, ‘How NOT to make an Electric Guitar (The Hazards of Electricity)’ follows the trope of being a ‘click-bate’ video to gain views rather than educate with its quality being lower than “Why Some Tutorials Are Annoying’ due to the focus being on the individual rather than creating the faulty guitar itself with the video and sound quality varying throughout rather than holding a clear consistency throughout which will not be replicated for my Final Video Tutorial (The clear step by step of producing the Guitar in a Deadpan fashion would’ve linked the video more to the Spoof Genre that it tries to mimic).

ElectroBOOM, 2013. How NOT to Make an Electric Guitar (The Hazards of Electricity). Available at:
[Accessed 26 March 2019].

These examples of tutorials researched ‘Above’ will dictate the how my final five-minute tutorial video will play out from Week 9 to 12 during the second semester.


Four Initial Photoshop Effects that were considered for the Video tutorial=

BLOG.SPOON Graphics, 2012. How To Create a Movie Style Photo Effect in Photoshop. [online] Available at:


[Accessed 26 March 2019].

Nearly Five Minutes saying step by step for ‘Movie Style Poster’ out load


NALDZ GRAPHICS, 2002. Turn an Ordinary Photo into an Oil Painting in Photoshop. [online] Available at:


[Accessed 26 March 2019].

Four Minutes approximately for saying step by step for ‘Oil Painintg in Photoshop’ out load


WeGraphics, 2012. Photoshop Quick Tip: Create a Dragan Style Portrait Effect in 5 Steps. [online] Available at:

[Accessed 26 March 2019].

Two minutes aproxiamately for saying step by step for ‘Dragan Style’ out load


Abduzeedo, 2009. Super Cool Watercolor Effect in 10 steps in Photoshop. [online] Available at: <>

[Accessed 26 March 2019].

More than five minutes (almost six) for saying step by step for ‘Watercolour Effect’ out load

I chose the ‘step by step’ of ‘ Turn an Ordinary Photo into an Oil Painting in Photoshop’due to it filling out the criteria of being enough to fill a video from five minutes and beyond as well as being the most practical for to produce while hopefully also retaining the audience’s attention who will watch said video (Development Screenshots will be posted showing experimentation before starting tutorial).

Original site used to find tutorials can be see ‘Below’;

Speckyboy, 2018. 50 Fantastic Photo Effect Tutorials with Photoshop. [online] Available at:


[Accessed 26 March 2019].

(Pre-Production) Storyboard and Mind map below showcase the basic step by step of the Video Tutorial I will create over the next few weeks;


Notes bringing together base structure for ‘Humorous’ section of Video Tutorial if there is time or need to produce it over the three weeks this project provides;


Screenshots below showcase the Photoshop Features referred to in my research put into practise through experimentation with my own photos;


Screenshots below demonstrating refined sound on ‘Cool Watercolour’ technique which I will perform for my tutorial over the next couple of weeks, Photo of ‘Ron Chao’ being the main subject for said tutorial;


Photos ‘Below’ showcase rough script for step by step on how to produce ‘Cool Watercolour’ affect in Photoshop. I will use this as a basis for the video tutorial



Select Photos seen Below in their original form before being tweaked for the Photoshop Affects that are presented and expanded upon earlier in this post (They are however tweaked on RAW Settings to be more presentable, this is the case for ‘0205’, ‘0216’ but I used the tweaked ‘0223’ photo for the Water Colour Affect;

‘Paper Parchment’ that will be used for the final tutorial (Below);


Storyblocks video, 2019. Animated old parchment paper background, stop motion. [image online] Available at: <; [Accessed 28 march 2019].


The link below showcases the website used for the brushes I applied for the ‘Cool Watercolour Effect’;

Brusheezy, 2019. Real Smoke Photoshop Brushes. [online] Available at: <>%5BAccessed 28 march 2019].


Further Development of Rough and Final Storyboard which will be presented to the group the Tuesday in Week 10 (Below):

‘Straight’ Rough Plan
‘Humorous’ Rough Plan
Final Pencil Drawn Storyboard (Contains both ‘Straight’ and ‘Humorous’ plan layouts).


Screenshot ‘Below’ also showcases rough research in ‘Copyright Free’ music which could be included in both the ‘Straight’ and ‘Humorous’ sections of the Video Tutorial I will  produce;



Screenshot/Photo below showcase early development of ‘Humorous’ Script, I decided to write the rest of the scrip on a Word Document;


After recording myself performing the script for ‘Draft 1 on my dictaphone’, it lasted for 10 minutes and 34 Seconds. Further Editing will be applied to Script which will be read out by myself in front of the Dictaphone from Media Services (Read out lines for characters separately to keep consistency within the narrative playing throughout Video Tutorial).
Cast (List of Characters);
• Reginald Lincolndale (Upper Class Voice)
• George (Northern Accent, Yorkshire?)
• Armandia (Female, Slightly High Pitched)
• Geoffrey (Low/Deep voice)
• Cecil (Nasal voice)
• Gerald (Cheeky Voice ‘Ollie Ollie’ sort of voice)
I’ll put on different silly voices and see which one will match up to the characters typed up ‘Above’.
‘Beginning of Video Tutorial’
Reginal Lincolndale; Good Afternoon Class! Let’s see what you sad bunch weedy gits, Trollops and everything else in the spectrum the modern age demands the likes of me to remember, have produced in the last week or so.

Reginald Lincolndale; First things first, the register, Geoffrey

Geoffrey; Here Sir!

Reginald Lincolndale; Gerald!?

Gerald; Aye

Reginald Lincolndale; No! your not here to answer with single letters from the alphabet, in my presence use the proper words of British English, now Gerald

Gerald; Afternoon m’lord Reginald Lincolndale

Reginald Lincolndale; That’s better, you little creep, could’ve spoken in broken Latin and still have no integrity, now Armandia!?

Armandia; Here m’lord Lincolndale

Reginald Lincolndale; Wonderful, Cecil!?

Cecil; Good to see you recover from your Mental Breakdown from the week before Sir!

Reginald Lincolndale; SHUT UP!! And George

George; Alright

Reginald Lincolndale; Seems it only you five that has bothered to attend, what’s the matter with everyone else?!

Gerald; Halfway through each of their tasks linked to stories you recommended the week before sir

Armandia; Mini-arsol is currently in the middle of the Pacific Ocean

Cecil; Harry’s in police custody

George; And Samantha attempted to set up a homegrown terrorist organization to be up there with the big boys, as far as I know she’s playing Russian roulettes at some point this week to make up for the organization’s insufficient funds.

Reginald Lincolndale; Alright, alright, I didn’t ask any of you to go on these little epic journys of failure and degeneracy across the globe, all I asked for was for you lot to write and READ out your short story to me!

George; Want to know about anyone else’s absence?

Reginald Lincolndale; Honestly, I don’t care as long as you five don’t waste my time!

Reginald Lincolndale; Now you! Armandia! Whats your Story!

Armandia; Hmhm ‘Ive got a Lovely bunch of Coconuts, there they are a’standing in a row
Big ones, small ones, some as big as your head
“Give ’em a twist, a flick o’ the wrist”
That’s what the showman said!’

Reginald Lincolndale; Hold on! NO!, Stop that! That’s not an original story, why are you nicking songs

Armandia; Thought it was funny

Reginald Lincolndale; Thought it was Funny, guess you thought you’d get away with it being an old song, presumed it was freed from the shackles of copyright.

Armandia; Sounds about right Sir.

Reginald Lincolndale; Well you just failed this module, that’s sounds about right! Now, What’s your story Cecil!?

Cecil; Hmhm, There’s a song that I recall My mother sang to me. She sang it as she tucked me in
When I was ninety-three. Ying tong ying tong Ying tong ying tong Ying tong iddle I po

Reginald Lincolndale; NO, NOO Cecil. What are YOU doing nicking songs from artists who passed this mortal coil, are you in league with Armandia

Cecil; Yeah, so what Bruv

Reginald Lincolndale; Well you, Bruv, have succeeded in pissing me off, therefore you fail this module, Now Gerald and don’t you sing ‘Why Don’t Women Like Me’ as you’re just stating the obvious of your miserable, charmless life, now start!

Gerald; Hmhmhm (Deep Breath) ‘Is this wretched demi-bee, Half asleep upon my knee, Some freak from a menagerie? No! It’s Eric, the half a bee, A fiddle de dum, a fiddle de dee
Reginald Lincolndale; ALRIGHT, Alright Alright (Sigh) I give you credit for robbing a song from an artist who still walks and talks, Unlike Armandia and Cecil however, you prove to be thicker than both those two combined. At least they stolen material from people who they think will not sue them. What have you got to say for yourself!?
Gerald; Not a lot Mate
(Load Slap)
Gerald; Ohh?!!! YOU Hit me AHH?!

Reginald Lincolndale; That, what you experienced, is me flexing my power granted by this university over lanky twits like you.

Gerald; I’ll sue you. Ah?!

Reginald Lincolndale; After class, then you can sue me, don’t you worry I’m ready for this battle you little yobo, funny how your colleagues aren’t speaking up for you are they.

Gerald; No comment Mate

Reginald Lincolndale; SHUT UP!

Reginald Lincolndale; Alright Geoffrey, be HONEST with ME, have you created an original story to tell today at this very moment, or are you going to mess me about and therefore ruin your chances of a good grade!

Geoffrey; I do Indeed M’Lord Lincolndale

Reginald Lincolndale; There you go, alright then, Grab my interest.

Geoffrey; Ok, I saw this stray dog…

Reginald Lincolndale; Oh, for god’s SAKE are you even trying to catch my attention Geoffrey?!

Geoffrey; What would you want me to say sir, I haven’t even begun?

Reginald Lincolndale; You only need to listen to what YOU just said for you to lose my interest, grab my ATTENTION, think about it, What scenario could not POSSIBLY happen to you even if you have the chance. A FICTIONAL Scenario, I don’t care if your ‘Real-Life’ story involves you euphemising the stray dog with medication drugs or a pistol, it still wouldn’t interest me. NOW, GRAB MY ATTENTION!

Geoffrey; Alright… I met this lady of the night

Reginald Lincolndale; Ah, that’s better, tell me more…

(Sketch would end ‘Above’ and begin again ‘Below’ when two QuickTime edited footage has played its course)

Reginald Lincolndale; ‘Sigh’ you, Geoffrey, are waste of skin and effort on your mums’ part when you were conceived all those years ago. Losing your innocence is NOT A STORY, whether its fictional or not.

Geoffrey; Could be worse ‘M’lord’

Cecil; Geoffrey’s half-priced lover could’ve been your Mum

Reginald Lincolndale; ‘My MUM’, well there’s two points contradicting what you just said, one my mums not fictional, and TWO, even if Geoffrey is right in his claims she would certainly not be half priced, she’s good quality as I’m not an accident!

Armandia; Unlike you Sir


Gerald; That’s good to hear sir

Reginald Lincolndale; Too right its GOOD!

Cecil; And by looks of it the Security Camera has picked up all the lesson so far

Reginald Lincolndale; Nah don’t you lot worry about that sodding camera, I dismantled it back in the first semester, this Uni might have higher powers I am the power

Armandia; You don’t say sir

Reginald Lincolndale; SHUT UP!! NOW, Finally George, little Northern George, whose accent is as dodgy as…

Gerald; You mums career choices

Reginald Lincolndale; OOIIII!! As I was saying, as dodgy as my broken pencil

Cecil (All five characters saying it together?); Whoooahhh what a comeback sir

Reginald Lincolndale; Coming from the goits and tarts who can only make jokes about my ‘mum’ so as I said before ‘shut your face’!

Armandia; No that’s first time you said that

Reginald Lincolndale; SHUT UP!

Reginald Lincolndale; NOW on with your story and George and we will break up

George; Alright Mate

Reginald Lincolndale; CAFEFUL GEORGE! (whispering)

George; Alright, I went down the street one day

Reginald Lincolndale; YES

George; I saw legs popping out a bin

Reginald Lincolndale; YES

George; Then they briefly disappeared again

Reginald Lincolndale; Yes

George; The bin itself sprout legs

Reginald Lincolndale; YES

George; The bin ran across the street

Reginald Lincolndale; YES

George; The bin fell over mid-jog

Reginald Lincolndale; YES

George; An old person fell out the bin

Reginald Lincolndale; YES

George; That’s about it Mate

Reginald Lincolndale; That’s about it Mate? THAT’S ABOUT IT MATE!!

George; Don’t see what wrong with it, quite a harrowing experience I thought

Reginald Lincolndale; WHATS WRONG WITH IT INDEED, HARROWING EXPERIENCE?! Do you want to explain what you done wrong or should I!

George; Go ahead mate, earn your pay

Reginald Lincolndale; DETAIL, there’s no detail to your story in Location, Character or Descriptions of the environment around you, you don’t even make yourself sound interesting and you’re the main teller of this story

George; So

Reginald Lincolndale; SO?! DETAIL IS EVERYTHING

George; Not always, thought I was being subtle and multi-layered in allowing the audience free interpretation over my short story.

Reginald Lincolndale; SUBTLE AND MULTI-LAYERED MY ARSE!! These are the questions you should ask yourself George!


George; That’s was a good lecture, well done (Sarcastic)

Reginald Lincolndale; Glad to hear you learnt something for a change!

George; Also, you know that Mac over there that’s turned on

Reginald Lincolndale; Yeah what about it? What’s is relevance to our conversation?

George; Been recording you mate, that Little Mac there is going to give you the Sack

Reginald Lincolndale; Hahaha, you and everyone else are having a laugh

George; No, we’re not mate

Reginald Lincolndale; Right, in that case, no more messing about, I’ll pull out this pistol, shoot the offending MAC and detonate the grenades that are currently around this classroom, any last words you little Twats. You George

George; Bit dramatic mate

Reginald Lincolndale; SHUT UP!

Reginald Lincolndale; YOU, GEOFFREY, any last words

Geoffrey; Your Mum

(GUN Shot)

‘End of Video Tutorial’



Rough Plan for next few weeks can be seen ‘Below’;

(Production) The script I will use for the recordings on QuickTime Player on the Mac while performing step by step. Feedback from group after presentation during Week 10.

(Post-Production) Screenshots of ‘Premier Pro’ Process regarding “Text, Editing, Music”etc. for final editing of Video Tutorial during Week 11.




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