VJ Project Final Week. PDF/Word Document (Evaluation) and Further Development. Final VJ Animation (Group Chat Screenshots and Final 10 Scenes). Added Credits/Title to Animation after receiving Feedback. Week 8.

The next few paragraphs showcase the ‘Evaluation’ (PDF/Word Document that was required for this projects deliverables;

The Concept that was applied to the VJ Animation is as suggested by its title “The Sense of Imagination’ with the incorporation of music to convey the idea of the music itself provoke the hidden imagination and potential within an individual, unveiling various aspects of their character which would be restrained and hidden way.

I mostly took the lead in the majority of decisions and group meet ups that were set up throughout the three weeks, said meet up often working upon the Magic programme Animation itself as well as keep everyone up to date on the current development of said VJ Animation.

As a group we often talked each other and communicated through group chats to show current work and make decisions on how the animation will look aesthetically. Marta and Sandra were set out to produce the Assets (Imagery for Animation on Photoshop) for the VJ Animation while myself, Hannah and Tara worked on the Magic Programme itself to create the final outcome.

My other approach was also to tweak the song used within the animation on Adobe Audition to fit the required length of the VJ Animation and depict the theme/narrative in a consistent manner. Tara further modified the song to the finished outcome used for final VJ animation using the Garage band Programme.

Particular technical and conceptual choices for the project originally revolved around the plan to have the hair move within the middle of the animation itself when the volume of the music is at its highest although this was scrapped due to time constraints as well as the realisation of the presentation gaining the potential risk of showing too much visually over short period of time.

We pushed forward with the imagery of a Woman (Portrait) being the main focus rather than completely going with the abstract appearance utilised for the background (landscape) as the group agreed it was better to depict a clear narrative with familiar elements that ease the viewer into the narrative being told.

The Term ‘Pleasure Principle’ was originally coined by the late Sigmund Freud which used to describe the motions and drives of individuals who seek pleasure or avoid pain. He argued that said individuals can go to great lengths to avoid pain in any form especially during a state of weakness or vulnerability.

Within Psychoanalytic Theory, the ‘id’ (One of three components within Freud’s Structural Model of psychology) is part of the unconscious dedicated to pleasure and base drives, Pleasure Principle is driven by this ‘id’.

Good Therapy, 2015. Pleasure Principle. [online] Available at: <https://www.goodtherapy.org/blog/psychpedia/pleasure-principle> [Accessed 07 March 2019].

Factors I learned over the course of the three weeks this project provided consists of using the Magic Programme in an effective manner as well as create the limitless experimentation that this programme also provides. The project I thought was good overall, only negative being the quick delivery of initial tutorials on the magic programme which proved to become tricky once the time started ticking.

Screenshots below showcase further discussions within the group (Highlighting the individual members role with the group during Week 8);

Select few screenshots below (Slideshow) highlighting the basic layout of the ‘Magic Programme’ file the group used to produce the final animation with the added tweaked music with added beats (Beats incorporated by Uttara with added feedback from Myself and Hannah);

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The next few slideshows depicts the assets created/found/edited by myself, Marta, Hannah and Sandra by Week 8 (Chosen Assets will be seen in final edit of Animation);

Hannah (Below)=

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Marta (Below)=

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Sandra (Below)=

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Myself (Below)=

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The specific Music/Song the group selected from is ‘Louis the Child-Better Not ft. Wafia’ which the group unanimously agreed upon due to the song itself not only flowing with the animation idea involving the girl but also compliments the “The Pleasure Principle” subject and themes of ‘Imagination’ and ‘Liberation’ which the animation heavily draws upon which would be lacking if there wasn’t an added sub-text accompanying said animation.

An added ‘Bass’ will be added to the song to tweak it slightly so the ‘Transitions’ within the animation can change from one scene (one of the combined assets created by the group that is manipulated on the magic programme) to another without it appearing clunky or out of beat with the song due to the song being complicated in its orchestral set up.

Edits will be made to increase volume at the beginning and end of sound as well as decrease the lyrics that sung so it doesn’t cancel out the artificial beat that is created on the programme known as ‘Garageband’. Myself, Uttara and Hannah worked together is manipulate the song to a standard that is appropriate for the final animation.

Louis The Child, 2018. Louis The Child-Better Not ft. Wafia. Available at: <https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u5kP_nfFVt4&gt; [Accessed 21 march 2019].

The factors that lead to the group not incorporating the Fonts/Words ‘Satisfaction’and ‘Pleasure’is down to the inclusion of said words/fonts would clutter the animation and make it hard to watch which is also the case with other assets that were created with the problem of lack of colour scheme being prevalent in the early stages of development. The fonts/words will still be presented in the posts on my word press account, this is just and explanation on their absence from the main VJ Animation itself.


Ten Final Scenes were produced for the VJ Animation with the First Five playing in the first half of the song and the second half playing the last five scenes (There is a section dedicated to all ten scenes playing simultaneously at the same time in a random order rather than the Linear order we as a group decided upon) with tweaks on ‘ISF’ etc.=

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Woman in Fifth Scene (Slideshow Below) changes colour, thus why there are two screenshots of the same Scene. She changes to a variety of bright colours but I limited to two to show what she looks from one transition to the next;

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Screenshot ‘Below’ shows last shot of animation before it concludes=

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After receiving feedback from the class as well as Tina (Main Tutor), it became apparent that it would good to apply credits before and after the original VJ animation with the title of the project being present including the idea the group has produced during the scheduled three weeks the original project was set. The names of the ‘Illustration and Animation’ Students opposite myself and Uttara were placed during the end credits with University logo and the current year (2019) in Roman Numerals to add a nice professional touch to the video overall.

The inclusion of the logo at the end was considered by myself beforehand after seeing the benefit of providing continuity and branding to all the videos I have produced during the second semester as well the first semester, the video as a result looks more well-presented and clearer in who produced it.

The screenshots that can be seen below showcase the added titles, credits and logo that was applied to the original video after receiving feedback during Week 12;



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