VJ Project. Semester 2. Further Development. Week 7 Part 2. (Thursday and Friday).

The PNG’s that can be seen below depict the two backgrounds I produced for the VJ Animation which will be part or at least considered for the final animation Sequence opposite Marta’s, Hannah’s and Sandra’s work (Sandra being a late addition to the team opposite myself, Marta, Hannah and Tara);


Further Screenshots depict the ongoing discussion/development on the group chat on Messenger app and Whatapp. The title of the groups animation will be titled ‘The Sense of Imagination’ linking to the final idea of how music/sound (Sense) can ignite other faculties within the very core of our being (Imagination) with the female figure representing this throughout. A song will be used to provoke the transitions within the animation;

The storyboards (Both written and visual) can be seen below depicting the rough layout of how the animation is produced and how it will appear visually. A step by step of the assets used was also written down further elaborate on the said VJ Animation;

The text/words that will be considered for the final VJ Animation can also be seen below. the font being ‘Hiragino Maru Gothic Pro’ which will placed within the animation stills (Infront/Behind portrait of woman, background etc.) ;

Martas Fonts

Further Development was later discussed in Week 7 on the WhatsApp (Phone Numbers Blanked out for individuals privacy within group) with further Assets provided as well as the final group meetings and sessions dedicated to refining animation (Tara being tasked to create different variant of music for VJ Animation);


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